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​The best tools for electricians to make every job easier

​The best tools for electricians to make every job easier

25th May 2023

As an electrician, having the right tools for your job can make a real difference in time and ease.

In this article, we’ve identified the best tools for your toolbox for exceptional electrical work.

Whether you're just starting out as an electrician, or you’re a seasoned pro, these tools will make every job easier and more efficient.

We cover hand tools, electrical testing tools, power tools and safety equipment.

Hand Tools


Screwdrivers are handheld tools used to turn screws and bolts of various sizes and head types, including Phillips and flathead options.


Pliers are handheld tools used to grip and manipulate cables and wires, as well as other materials. There is a variety of different plier types, such as lineman, diagonal and needle-nose.

Top tip: Choose parallel pliers (like these from Maun) if you want a really secure grip. The parallel-action jaws grip along their whole length, and there is a V-slot in one jaw especially for getting a firm grip on wire. This helps to generate more friction when compared to scissor-type pliers, helping you make fewer mistakes and get the job done right.

Side Cutters

Side cutters (also known as diagonal cutting pliers) are sharp cutters that offer a clean cut due to their diagonally angled cutting jaws. Perfect for multiple cuts on electrical wire.

Top tip: Choose a set of cutters with high-leverage and powerful cutting jaws (like these cutters) as these will make it easy to make multiple wire cuts without tiring out your hand on a large job. WARNING: this tool must not be used on live electrical wire.

Wire Strippers

Wire strippers are handheld tools used to remove insulation from electrical wires, available in various sizes and types.


Crimpers are tools used to crimp connectors onto the ends of wires, available in various sizes and connector types.

Top tip: Choose high-leverage crimpers to save you hand energy during long days (like these).

Fish tape

Fish tape is used to pull wires and cables through ceilings and walls. This thin, long and flexible metal tape can be fed through a narrow opening.

Electrical Testing Equipment


Multimeters are electrical testing instruments used to measure electrical metrics like resistance, current and voltage. These handheld devices normally have probes that enable them to make contact with electrical circuits.

Voltage Tester

Voltage testers are simple electrical testing devices used to see if circuits are live or not. These devices normally have probes that you can insert into an outlet or circuit.

Continuity Tester

Continuity testers are devices used to check if a circuit is complete or not by sending small currents through circuits to see if the current flows through them or not.

Insulation Tester

Insulation testers are used to check the resistance of electrical insulation on a wire or cable to determine if it is intact and operating efficiently.

Circuit Tester

Circuit tracers are devices used to identify the paths of electrical circuits, consisting of a transmitter and receiver that can be used to trace the paths.

Power Tools


Drills are power tools that use rotating drill bits powered by an electric motor to create holes in materials such as metal, wood and concrete.


Saws are power tools used to cut materials like metal, wood and concrete. Popular saws include reciprocating saws, circular saws and jigsaws.


Grinders are power tools used to remove materials like wood, concrete and metal, typically with abrasive wheels or discs.

Impact Wrenches

Impact wrenches are power tools used to tighten and loosen bolts and nuts using rotary motion.

Hammer Drills

Hammer drills are power tools that give you the efficiency of a drill and a hammer simultaneously to create a hole in a hard material like stone or concrete.

Safety Equipment


Gloves are used to protect the hands from shocks, cuts and burns, available in a wide range of styles and materials.


Goggles are used to protect the eyes from hazards like dust and debris when carrying out electrical work such as drilling or grinding materials.


Earplugs are used to protect the ears from loud noises that can occur during electrical work, especially when using power tools.

Hard Hats

Hard hats are used to protect the head from falling objects and various other hazards that might be present during electrical work.

Safety Vests

Safety vests are used to make electricians more visible to colleagues and the public when working on a site, available in various colours and styles to promote safety and increase visibility.


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